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Step 8: From Recursion to Loop

The code implemented in the previous step

import numpy as np

class Variable:
    def __init__(self, data): = data
        self.grad = None
        self.creator = None

    def set_creator(self, func):
        self.creator = func

    def backward(self):
        f = self.creator
        if f is not None:
            x = f.input
            x.grad = f.backward(self.grad)

class Function:
    def __call__(self, input):
        x =
        y = self.forward(x)
        output = Variable(y)
        self.input = input
        self.output = output
        return output

    def forward(self, x):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def backward(self, gy):
        raise NotImplementedError()

class Square(Function):
    def forward(self, x):
        y = x ** 2
        return y

    def backward(self, gy):
        x =
        gx = 2 * x * gy
        return gx

class Exp(Function):
    def forward(self, x):
        y = np.exp(x)
        return y

    def backward(self, gy):
        x =
        gx = np.exp(x) * gy
        return gx

In the previous step we added the backward method to the Variable class. Here, we change the backward method to a different implementation for improved efficiency and future extensions.

8.1 The current Variable class

Again, we implemented the backward method of the Variable class as follows

class Variable:
    def __init__(self, data): = data
        self.grad = None
        self.creator = None

    def set_creator(self, func):
        self.creator = func

    def backward(self):
        f = self.creator
        if f is not None:
            x = f.input
            x.grad = f.backward(self.grad)

Notice that the backward method of the previous variable is called in the backward method (to the input side). This allows us to say, “The backward method is called in the backward method, then the backward method is called again in the destination backward method, and so on… (until the function self.creator finds a variable that makes it None). This is a recursive structure.

8.2 Implementation using loops

Here, we will rewrite the above “implementation with recursion” to “implementation with loops”. Here’s what the code looks like

class Variable:
    def __init__(self, data): = data
        self.grad = None
        self.creator = None

    def set_creator(self, func):
        self.creator = func

    def backward(self):
        funcs = [self.creator]
        while funcs:
            f = funcs.pop()  # Get a function
            x, y = f.input, f.output  # Get a function input/output
            x.grad = f.backward(y.grad)  # Call the backward method

            if x.creator is not None:
                funcs.append(x.creator)  # Add one previous function to the list

This is the implementation using loops. The important thing is to add functions to the list of funcs in order to process them. In the while loop, the function to be processed by funcs.pop() is fetched as f and the backward method of the function f is called. The arguments and return values of f.backward() are set correctly by f.input and f.output to get the input and output variables of the function f.


The pop method of the list removes the end of the list and retrieves its elements. For example, if funcs = [1, 2, 3] and x = funcs.pop(), then 3 will be taken out and funcs will become [1, 2].

8.3 Operation check

Now let’s use the Variable class above to actually compute the derivative. Let’s run the same code here as in the previous step.

A = Square()
B = Exp()
C = Square()

x = Variable(np.array(0.5))
a = A(x)
b = B(a)
y = C(b)

y.grad = np.array(1.0)

The results are the same as before. You can now switch the implementation method from “recursion” to “loop”. The benefits of implementing this “loop” will be seen in “Step 15”. We’re dealing with complex computational graphs there, but with the current “loop” implementation, it can be extended smoothly. Also, “loop” is a little more efficient.


Recursion continues each time a function is called recursively, leaving the results in memory (while stacking them up). Therefore, in general, the loop method is more efficient. However, with modern computers, a little memory usage is not a problem. In some cases, the “tail recursion” process allows the recursion to be performed in the same way as a loop.

This completes the base of the back-propagation implementation. In the future, we will expand the current DeZero to allow more complex calculations. In the next step, I would like to improve on the “ease of use” of DeZero.